Our Initiatives

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Sierra Leone’s healthcare system has been compromised for years as a result of the long-lasting effects of the 1994 Sierra Leone Civil War and the Ebola outbreak of 2014, with the health statistics resting at the bottom quartile for least developed countries. Currently, the healthcare system is organized into two tiers with their respective subcategories to care for their citizens. However, a lack of human resources and necessary infrastructure can make modern medicine inaccessible to the general population.

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Social determinants such as low family income, poverty, and racial discrimination can hinder an individual’s access to an improved quality of life including healthcare and education. Beginning education at a young age is crucial for the development of a healthy mind as well as economic productivity. Further, general sex education is a taboo topic in many countries to which Sierra Leone is no exception, leading to many teen pregnancies and/or prenatal health complications. Fountains for Life seeks to provide scholarships to students in need, establish academic and extracurricular activities and programs and eventually promote a curriculum that celebrates Africa.



According to The World Health Organization, agriculture is responsible for almost half of Sierra Leone’s gross domestic product and provides jobs for over half of the country’s citizens. As a large economic commodity, the necessity for agriculture infrastructure continues to grow. At Fountains for Life, we are currently developing many methods to better the agricultural sector of Sierra Leone.